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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Media Library File Client Caching View modes: 
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bmoon-premierstudios - 4/21/2009 5:24:02 PM
Media Library File Client Caching

When I reference an image file in the Media Library, I always get 200 Http Response for a file, regardless of whether or not it is the 1st time accessing the file. I would assume that the 1st time I request the file, I will receive a 200 Http Response, but subsequent times I should receive a 304 Http Response.

This behavior is causing pages to load the images more often then they should, therefore slowing down the page load times.

I can get the correct behavior by referencing the image files in the Media Library by the "Direct path" url, but the CMS Desk Image Selectors only provided the "Permanent link" url via the "Paste image" link.


Is there an easy way to get the "Direct path" inserted into the content so the CMS User doesn't have to manually copy and paste the direct url in the Content?

Is there a setting that I have missed that will allow files served through the "getmedia" handler that will provide the correct Http Response codes?

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kentico_pavelk - 5/26/2009 4:42:22 AM
RE:Media Library File Client Caching

As regards your first question; this feature will be added in version 4.1. Concerning the other one; this behavior will be fixed also in version 4.1.

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek