Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Send to friend webpart View modes: 
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masonc-fayobserver - 6/22/2009 7:13:05 AM
Send to friend webpart

Can you give me more instruction on how to set up send to friend webpart? I am trying to use the "Send to friend" webpart in the way most news outlets currently do. Click a link "Email Story" and it opens up the form with the url of the article included in the form. Fill out the form and send.

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andy-procaresoftware - 6/23/2009 1:25:38 PM
RE:Send to friend webpart
We also would like some feedback. We've inserted the web part into our pages and when the function is used it sends the mail, including the message input but NOT the page/document URL from which the entry was made. "Send to Friend" conceptually was to be able to send the PAGE URL on which you were currently parked in your browser window.

The web part currently has these two variables;


and "{%Message%}" works fine, "{%Document%}" does not.

Thank you for any help you can give.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/24/2009 5:11:26 AM
RE:Send to friend webpart

You need to place the Send to friend web part on some page. You can set some of the default web part properties - Path, Show for document types, Document types, etc. you can find more information about the properties by clicking the Documentation link in the upper right corner of the dialog window.
Then you need to set the transformation property. You can create custom transformation (http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/writing_transformations.htm) and in this transformation you will resolve the link to that document.

In the Email tempalte field there are two macros by default:
{%Message%} - this will be resolved into the message which was added by the sender.
{%Document%} - this will be resolved with the transformation you have specified.

For masonc:
If you want to have the link and the form opened after the click, you will need to customize the behavior of the web part to be opened in a new window.

You can take a look how it is working now in the sample E-commerce site in the Products section.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus