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mark.scott-tevaneuro - 6/24/2009 10:13:50 AM
Synchronization client error: Exception occured
I've setup my TEST and QA servers as directed in the developer's guide for setting up content staging. Howerver, when I attempted to do a test "sync", I receive the following error:

Synchronization client error: Exception occured: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

The username and password are set correctly. The "Target" server has "Enabled staging server" checked (on). So... what else could be the problem? Are there IIS permission settings or something else not directly laid out in the documentation that I should consider?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 6/29/2009 2:23:57 AM
RE:Synchronization client error: Exception occured

Could you please tell me what authentication mode are you using?
Could you please check that you have set everything according to our developer's guide(http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/content_staging_configuration.htm).

The requests for content staging are made as a anonymous user. The security is achieved by using the user name and password for the web service of using the X509 certificate.

You need to set the IIS or web.config to allow the anonymous users.

In IIS you can set it in the Directory Security tab - Anonymous access and authentication controls (IIS 5.1) or in web.config file (example for Logon page):

<location path="Logon.aspx">
<allow users="?"/>

Best Regards,
Boris Pocatko

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mark.scott-tevaneuro - 6/29/2009 9:03:17 AM
RE:Synchronization client error: Exception occured
Yes, I have read and re-read the developer's guide section dealing with Content staging. I've followed the instructions given there closely.

After bouncing back and forth with Kentico support - and after reading through documentation not direclty related to "Content staging" - I found that the account "Network Service" apparently must have full access to the site's root folder. Also, (at first) it appeared that anonymous access had to be enabled for the entire site. Passing this information back to Kentico support, they replied that I could turn off "Enable anonymous access" site-wide, and only allow anonymous access on the specific files needed to do the syncing. In this case, they all are in the "CMSPages" folder.

So, bottom line - for future reference is (as I understand it right now):

1) Add the "Network Service" account, and allow full control at the site's root folder.

2) Enable anonymous access at the "CMSPages" folder. (Optionally, we could do this at the individual file level)

That should take care of it... and I do wish that this information had been in the documentation !! ;=)

It's working now, and seems to be working very well. I think this is going to be a big help in moving from TEST to QA... etc.