Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Issue with Templates View modes: 
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polarwarp-gmail - 6/22/2009 11:24:15 PM
Issue with Templates
I just added a new page to my demo site - I selected to use Templates with Editable Regions - Simple Text. I then clicked Clone as ad hoc template - and went to the design view.

Firstly I'm finding that sometimes on clicking on Properties I don't get the left hand menu nav that typically appeares on the page (in IE7). Sometimes its showing but mostly not.

Secondly when I click on design - I can't add any webparts to my page. Other pages if I click on the design tab - it has the editable regions. Even changing the template back to simple text isn't making any difference in my ability to play around with the template. I had original tried Empty template as I just sort of wanted a clean slate - but couldn't see a way of changing the design.

I'm logged in as an administrator - and was able to create a page easily enough earlier today and create as ad hoc - to make changes to the design - so I have no clue why I can't seem to do such a basic thing. I have also tested in Firefox.

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polarwarp-gmail - 6/22/2009 11:38:45 PM
RE:Issue with Templates
Actually I think it was because I'd added a page under the Community Sample (under Examples, Web Parts) - I assume there was some kind of inheritance going on - as I ticked the "do not inherit any content" option and then got to modify the design of the page again.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/29/2009 5:37:49 AM
RE:Issue with Templates

This was already discussed on our forums - but you are right, the inheritance has influence on it. If you are inheriting the content from the parent, it should look like the parent. If you want to change it, you need to change the inheritance level or to not inherit any content.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus