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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Macro for Relationship main document NodeGUID in repeater configuration View modes: 
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David C - 7/14/2009 6:24:44 PM
Macro for Relationship main document NodeGUID in repeater configuration

I'm having some troubles inserting a macro expression in to the box for:

Relationships -> Main document -> Display documents related to the document with NodeGUID

..in the configuration for a Repeater web part.

As an experiment I just tried to put the current document's NodeGUID in there (ultimately I want a repeater which picks up documents related to the current document's parent document, but I decided to start off small)

I put the macro "{%currentdocument.nodeguid%}" in there, it refused to save the Repeater configuration, giving me the error "Please enter some Guid."

Am I supposed to be able to put a macro in that field? If so, what am I doing wrong?

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 7/15/2009 3:05:55 AM
RE:Macro for Relationship main document NodeGUID in repeater configuration

You would need to modify ~\CMSFormControls\RelationshipConfiguration.ascx.cs file according your needs. There is following line of code, where we are checking if the expression is GUID, so you can change it:

if ((!radDocWithNodeID.Checked) || ((radDocWithNodeID.Checked) && (ValidationHelper.IsGuid(txtNodeID.Text))))

Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias