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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > thumbnails Size View modes: 
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serdar - CSO GmbH - 6/23/2009 2:32:34 AM
thumbnails Size
Hi all,

I have question about thumbnails image size. It creates images with default size 200x150. How can I change standard thumbnails image size?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 7/1/2009 4:24:23 AM
RE:thumbnails Size

Could you please clarify what particular thumbnails do you mean? If you mean e.g. thumbnails for Image Gallery, it is ensured in appropriate transformation(s). You can see it e.g. in Site Manager -> Development -> Document types -> edit CMS.File -> Transformations tab. Here you can see several transformations:


Please note different number according to an image size. If you take a look inside transformation, it is ensured by ?maxsidesize=XXX parameter.

If you mean something else, please clarify it. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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serdar - CSO GmbH - 7/2/2009 1:40:18 AM
RE:thumbnails Size
Radek, thanks for your answer.

I mean the thumbnails on web server, which Kentico creates automaticly on file system.

e.g /XXX/media/images/__thumbnails/image1_200_150.jpg

It creates a thumbnail (200 x 150 px) after checking a new image into image gallery.

How can I change the standart value of thumbnail size?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 7/11/2009 1:21:31 PM
RE:thumbnails Size
Hi Serdar,

Thank you for your reply and further details. Thumbnails are created when the image is viewed (e.g. in transformation), so it depends on size that you specify in transformation. If you use multiple transformations with different sizes of thumbnails there will be multiple thumbnails (one for each size) created.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek