Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Media functionality View modes: 
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polarwarp-gmail - 7/20/2009 8:47:40 PM
Media functionality

A couple of queries. I thought there was supposed to be a google video web part. If so where is it? I have found the windows media player, rm, & quicktime player but nothing called google?

Also is it possible to record how many times a video is played - ie. we want to have a gallery of videos are display a selection of "featured" videos which are the ones most played. Is this possible with kentico?

I also thought the documentation about the media library said that the files were stored in the file system - is this the case with the sample community site? I was trying to reference one of the included videos but could not determine the video url that would work! It works fine on the media library sample page.. but that's using the media library web part which I don't necessarily want to do (as we're having a highly customised video page).


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 7/21/2009 2:51:34 PM
RE:Media functionality
Hi Jen,
we don't have any google video webpart, but you can simply create it. It's sufficient to create webpart which will generate embed tag with settings as described on following page(Google video integration).
Regarding the video counter, it may be possible but will definitely need some customization.
Yes media library files are stored on filesystem. Every site has its own folder called according to its code name and you can find media files in there.
Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec