8/6/2009 3:42:52 PM
problem displaying link to a document using Guid
I am using cms File Upload from CMS Desk to upload pdf files. I read pdfs using the ViewFile.aspx.cs functionality, i.e I pass nodeID and get corresponding node with DocumentHelper.GetDocument.
I am trying to implement an opposite functionality of pulling nodeId from NodeGuid, which is explained here:
The problem is that GetNodeIdByNodeGUID function returns 0 as nodeId for some reason, even though the nodeGuidParam exists
This is my ascx page (I use it in Layout for my template)
<cms:cmsrepeater ID="rptLoadPDFfiles" WhereCondition="Hide=0" runat="server" ClassNames="CMS.pdf" SiteName="ClubHouseOnline"> <ItemTemplate> <a href='<%# ReturnUrlSrc(Eval("Guid").ToString()) %>'><%# Eval("Name") %></a> </ItemTemplate> <SeparatorTemplate> <br /> </SeparatorTemplate> </cms:cmsrepeater>
What am I doing wrong? thank you!