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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > A "fix" for CheckBoxLists in the MyProfile webpart View modes: 
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Internet Geeks - 7/31/2009 9:24:57 AM
A "fix" for CheckBoxLists in the MyProfile webpart

I thought I'd share a rather useful code snippet with you all.

We had a situation where we'd added a number of multiple select fields to the Users table and wanted to display this using the MyProfile webpart. Unfortunately each field contained rather a lot of options and when it came to display these it broken the design of our website (because the WebPart build these options using a CheckBoxList).

To stop this WebPart from rendering CheckBoxLists in tables you can modify the file ~/CMSModules/Membership/Controls/MyProfile.ascx.cs. Replace the existing OnPreRender method with the following:

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
editProfileForm.BasicForm.SubmitButton.CssClass = "ContentButton";

foreach (object c in editProfileForm.BasicForm.FindControl("pnlForm").Controls)
if (c is CMS.FormControls.EditingFormControl)
CMS.FormControls.EditingFormControl efc = (CMS.FormControls.EditingFormControl)c;
if (efc.NestedControl is CheckBoxList)
CheckBoxList cbl = (CheckBoxList)efc.NestedControl;
cbl.RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Flow;
cbl.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; // This removes the "random" BR thats placed after each checkbox


Now any fields multiple select fields that you add will be rendered next to each other without using an HTML table.

I hope this helps.