Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Assembly App_Web_epwesakg View modes: 
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todd.hollar-notionone - 8/10/2009 5:22:00 PM
Assembly App_Web_epwesakg

I've added a custom web part (.net user control) to an existing page. I am getting the error:

"Could not load assembly 'App_Web_epwesakg'. Make sure that it is compiled before accessing the page".

Any ideas?


Todd Hollar

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todd.hollar-notionone - 8/10/2009 6:05:25 PM
RE:Assembly App_Web_epwesakg
I am new to Kentico. My initial impression was that I could create a separate .Net solution, publish to a Kentico folder, and then integrate the .ascx (User Control) web part into Kentico. After reading more of the Kentico documentation, I see that the custom User Control must inherit from CMSAbstractWebPart. Is that required? We are using WCSF and MVP as a design pattern for this development project. Inheriting from CMSAbstractWebPart is not possible with this design pattern.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/11/2009 7:48:46 AM
RE:Assembly App_Web_epwesakg

If you want to develop web parts as described in Developing web parts, you need to inherit from that class.

You can also create fully custom controls, but then you need to add them to the page using the "User control" web part, where you will specify the path to the control file, and then the life cycle of the control should be ensured.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus