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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Throttle Email Queue View modes: 
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michael-pattens - 6/29/2009 8:50:19 PM
Throttle Email Queue
My hosting provider will only allow me to send 300 messages per hour. Will the email queue attempt to send emails until they are all delivered? Is there a way to throttle sending email? For example, add a delay after sending each message?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/30/2009 5:55:13 AM
RE:Throttle Email Queue

I am afraid but this is not possible in current version. We are planning some improvements in this way.
Right now you can try to create custom scheduled task which will count the number of sent messages and if it will be 300 within one hour, the e-mail sending thread will be aborted.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Mercer - 9/1/2009 12:52:10 AM
RE:Throttle Email Queue
Does the email queue in 4.0 automatically attempt to resend the failed email messages or is this a manual process? Right now I have several email messages in the queue because I have reached the per hour cap. The status for the failed email messages says Waiting which leads me to believe they will be retried. Is there any way to automatically schedule a retry once an hour?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/1/2009 3:43:07 AM
RE:Throttle Email Queue

If there was a failure in previous send attempt, the messages are not being sent so the administrator has chance to check what went wrong. You need to re-send them manually or you can develop custom scheduled task which will send the failed messages.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Mercer - 9/1/2009 11:13:09 AM
RE:Throttle Email Queue
Adding a custom schedule sounds like a good option.

Looking through the existing scheduled tasks, I see the task name Email.QueueSender which calls CMS.Scheduler.QueueSender. Is there a function to resend messages in the queue? Is there a field in the database that I can set to resend messages? What steps would I need to take to resend messages in the queue?

Currently, when I review the Administration Email Queue, Resend all failed, Resend selected and Resend all is greyed out. Any reason why these options are not available?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/2/2009 5:36:05 AM
RE:Throttle Email Queue

Maybe easiest way will be to clear appropriate field in the DB. As I mentioned, only the messages with failed status are not being send automatically. So you can create a scheduled task which will clear this column "EmailLastSendResult" in CMS_Email column, so the e-mails will be send on next run of the e-mail sender.

Regarding the buttons - are there any e-mails in the queue?

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus