Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Search View modes: 
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DM - 8/27/2009 1:25:34 PM
I have a page that shows all files under it using a repeater web part.
The display is paginated and permission check based on user is also done.
All files are shown when user navigates to this page

It is desired to allow user to search within the titles of the files listed on this page after the user has navigated to it (at this time all records are showing).

How do I configure a search web part so that the result of the search is redirected to the repeater web part for display.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/1/2009 2:58:48 AM

You can use e.g. the search box. When the term is searched, page is refreshed and in the query string is the search term, so you can pass this querystring paramater to the WHERE condition of the repeater using query string macro, so the repeater will display only the items with the term, e.g. in alias path or node name. I hope it makes sense.

But you will need to ensure that it will be not vulnerable using SQL injection.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus