I've added a product options that looks like this:
I would like to have it that when someone chose one of the radio buttons, that another product option will appear- depending on what the client chooses.
I tried using this code in the transformation:
<% if (Eval("chooseItemWeightPrice") == "Items"){ "<b>dsfsdfsdfsd</b>" } %>
but not sure how to find out the the field name is for the different radio button options.
And even if I had that how would I add another product option to appear?
Is something lik this possible:
<div class="productOptions">
<uc1:CartItemSelector id="cartItemSelector" runat="server" SKUID='<%# ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Eval("SKUID"), 0) %>' SKUEnabled='<%# ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Eval("SKUEnabled"), false) %>' AddToCartImageButton="btn-add-to-cart.gif" ShowProductOptions="true" ShowUnitsTextBox="true"
AddToWishlistImageButton="" ShowTotalPrice="true" />
<br/ >
<% if (Eval("chooseItemWeightPrice") == "Items"){
//have the CartItemSelector control apper again but only with the new product
} %>
Thanks for helping :)