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Version 4.x > Portal EngineDate picker only goes to 2005 View modes: 
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awolfe-edfinancial - 3/25/2010 11:21:09 AM
Date picker only goes to 2005
Hi, I'm currently using the date and time attribute in a biz form to allow users to enter their birthdate. The pop-up calendar/date picker doesn't allow users to scroll in the drop down for the year. The only visible year range is 2005 to 2010, unless I page through each month to get to an earlier year. Is there a way I can allow scrolling and a larger date range in the drop down?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/26/2010 9:18:18 AM
RE:Date picker only goes to 2005

The source code of that control is at:

<web site folder>/CMSAdminControls/Calendar/Calendar.aspx

There is a code about line 261 which ensure the year drop down list filling:
FillNumbers(this.drpYear, cultureYearInt - 5, cultureYearInt + 5, time.Year - 5);

You can re-write it here (but note that all date/time pickers in the system uses this code and upgrade can re-write your changes) or rather clone it and develop a custom form control (http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/developing_form_controls.htm).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova