I am using this option too. I have 2 menu's, 1 mainmenu and another menu which is displaying the submenuitems with the main menu-item on top.
For example
<li><a href="#">Technical</a>
<li><a href="#">Functional</a>
<li><a href="#">Testing</a>
This menu should only appear when clicked on an item on the main menu or within the submenu.
I am working with path .. the wherecondition nodelevel = 1 and the transformation
<li><span><%# Eval("DocumentName")%></span></li>
<cc1:CMSRepeater ID="CMSRepeaterIDSubmenuItems" runat="server" ClassNames="cms.menuitem" TransformationName="CMS.MenuItem.SubMenu">
It works when I click on a submenu item, but not on a mainmenuitem then the menu is empty, when I remove the wherecondition I get all menu and submenu-items instead of the mainmenu item and its children.
The other issue is because I the repeater instead of cmslistmenu because of the parent item, I do not have the class CMSListMenuHighlightedLI to style the element.
Is it possible with the CMSListMenu to start with the parentnode styled as text before the childnodes? If so do you have an example?