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Kentico CMS for .NET User Groups > Bug reportsCMSrepeater pagination not working when paging mode is 'postback' and reloaddata(true) View modes: 
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LC - 8/26/2009 11:37:44 PM
CMSrepeater pagination not working when paging mode is 'postback' and reloaddata(true)

When I use cmsrepeater:
<cms:cmsrepeater ID="rpTags" runat="server" OrderBy="Tagname" 
ClassNames="Penguin.Tag" Path="/Content/Tags/%" SelectTopN ="500"
StopProcessing ="true" EnablePaging ="true" PagerControl-PageSize="10"
TransformationName="Penguin.Tag.TestPaging" PagerControl-PagingMode="PostBack" />

with code behind:
	//this.rpTags.WhereCondition could be complicated...
this.rpTags.StopProcessing = false;

The pagination doesn't work well when using ReloadData(true)
method with PagingMode="PostBack"

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/31/2009 2:57:34 AM
RE:CMSrepeater pagination not working when paging mode is 'postback' and reloaddata(true)

I have already sent an e-mail but for other users I would like to let them know that this is unfortunately a bug in current version. We will try fix it in the nearest version or in the next hotfix package for this particular Kentico CMS version.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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hemanthray-gmail - 8/5/2010 10:59:24 AM
RE:CMSrepeater pagination not working when paging mode is 'postback' and reloaddata(true)
is this still a bug in version 5.0 I am having few issues with it in FF browser.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 8/5/2010 11:32:15 PM
RE:CMSrepeater pagination not working when paging mode is 'postback' and reloaddata(true)

there shouldn't be any problems with that in 5.0 version.
Could you anyway please send us an email to our support email address with more details about your environment, setup and behavior you observe? Please also include reference to this thread.

Thank you.

Zdenek C.