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Kentico CMS for .NET User Groups > Suggestions > edit link browser format options View modes: 
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mcutter-global-id-group - 11/11/2008 9:44:00 AM
edit link browser format options
in an editable html web part if you insert a link using the browse button on the link control then a link of the form href="/getdoc/936a55ec-fe6f-45d3-9ba6-43f2fb57713e/Home.aspx" is generated. However, this is not a friendly link, and the only other option is to manually construct a link.

It would be nice if the select document dialog box from the browse server button on edit link had a "link format" dropdown with choices (getdoc,relative,root) for the current getdoc, ../ form relative to the current doc, or / form relative to root.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/12/2008 4:25:52 AM
RE:edit link browser format options

Since the next version 3.2 will be the default setting set to more friendly URLs.
Now, could you please follow the description at the bottom of this article - Creating links

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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mcutter-global-id-group - 11/13/2008 10:12:37 AM
RE:edit link browser format options
Thanks for the link to this in devguide.
I would have never thought to look at SiteManager settings for this.
It might be more obvious to make this an option in the edit link dialog, but I'm glad to hear that the default will be changed in 3.2 to not use getdoc.