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Version 3.x > Bug reports > Bug in Kentioco 3.1: automatic windows user authentication View modes: 
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s_tuncali@yahoo.com - 7/1/2008 5:37:09 AM
Bug in Kentioco 3.1: automatic windows user authentication
After configurated windows authentication under Kentico 3.1, we get an error message if a new user tries to open the pages.

This error message included an sql insert problem which says null values are invalied for "UserIsGlobalAdministrator".

After setting the field properties of "UserIsGlobalAdministrator", "UserEnabled", "UserIsEditor" as "Null available", it works again.

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kentico_vitaja - 7/9/2008 5:32:00 AM
RE:Bug in Kentioco 3.1: automatic windows user authentication

Thank you for your notice. We have already registered this bug and it is going to be fixed in next version of Kentico CMS. I'm sorry for this inconvenience

Best regards,
Vita Janecek