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bend90@hotmail.com - 2/28/2008 10:00:43 AM
minor bug
when i add a product document, in the form tab of this product document, i upload a big photo, then i upload a thumbnail photo to a file folder of cmsdesk, in the product tab of this product document, i upload this thumbnail of this product and save it. however,the product tab's photo is still the big photo, i have to re-select the thumbnail and then save it to show it correctly. another question is when i use corporate site, the product of cell phone and labtop's image url is /getattachment/****/Nokia.aspx, if i want to change a picture, the url becomes /getfile/***/Nokia.aspx

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/11/2008 2:18:09 PM
RE:minor bug
I have found that you have sent also a query to our support - could you please confirm that you got answer to the first part of your issue regarding the photo selection? Thank you.

Regarding to the getattachment and getfile links - it is because once is the image bound to the SKU and once it is a standard file uploaded to the product.

I hope it makes more sense now.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus