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Version 3.x > Bug reports > Security Code (CAPTCHA) in BizForm View modes: 
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Elijah Taylor - 1/9/2009 2:02:47 PM
Security Code (CAPTCHA) in BizForm

I'm having an issue using a Security Code field in my BizForm. I've added a new field to the form called "SecurityCode" and selected "Security Code" from the "Field Type" drop down. I've left the other values at default settings, and I do not have a custom form layout in use.

The control loads up just fine, but when I enter the correct code and submit the form, it always returns "Please enter a valid security code."

I've tried it many times with no success. I don't think the problem is in my eyes ;-)

Anyone else experiencing this issue, or does anyone from Kentico have any advice?


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gavin - 1/12/2009 3:05:59 AM
RE:Security Code (CAPTCHA) in BizForm
I experienced the same thing on one of our sites. is the Bizform entered as a webpart? if so try inserting it into a text region using the WYSIWYG toolbar - of vice-versa

If i remember right that sorted the issue for me...


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/12/2009 5:59:56 AM
RE:Security Code (CAPTCHA) in BizForm

Unfortunately there is a bug with this. It is already fixed in the next version. The problem was in different page life cycle for biz form added as a web part and added as an inline control. I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Elijah - 1/12/2009 7:10:51 AM
RE:Security Code (CAPTCHA) in BizForm
Thank you for the information! I look forward to 4.0 :-)