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Version 3.x > Bug reports > Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink View modes: 
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pavlop - 8/3/2009 11:35:22 AM
Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink

I have the website in Dutch language. When creating the Newsletter and switching to the preview screen I see the UnsubscribeLink in Dutch. This is correct. But when I actually get the newsletter I see the unsubscribe link in english (Unsubscribe).

Why we have this difference and how can I get the Dutch link in Newsletter?

Thank you.

Best regards,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 8/10/2009 9:28:44 AM
RE:Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink
Hi Pavlo,

Unfortunately, there is always default culture used when sending newsletters. If you use only Dutch site you could optionally change the value of 'Newsletter.UnsubscribeLink' resource string to Dutch text.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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ppochuyev-on-site - 8/10/2009 9:53:51 AM
RE:Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink
hi Martin,

thank you for your answer.

Yes, this is an option, but unfortunately it does not work in our case.

This website is only Dutch but other sites on this installation have english as well.

I would expect that 'Newsletter.UnsubscribeLink' value depends on default website culture, but that is not the case, unfortunately..

Best regards,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/11/2009 6:07:20 AM
RE:Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink
Hi Pavlo,

the {%UnsubscribeLink%} macro is resolved according the Default content culture (CMSSiteManager -> Sites -> edit site -> General -> Default content culture). Could you please check what culture you have in this settings?

If you re-write the CMS.resx file it changes the string in the en-US culture and all unspecified. If you change it in cms.<culture code>.resx it changes in the needful culture. Please see here: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/international_and_rtl_support.htm for more details about international support.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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ppochuyev-on-site - 8/11/2009 6:59:07 AM
RE:Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink
hi Helena,

thank you for your reply.

I have the Default content culture: Dutch - The Netherlands.

What is strange is I have the Dutch word in Preview mode but english when email arrives actually.

Best regards,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/12/2009 7:29:46 AM
RE:Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink
Hi Pavlo,

could you please confirm me that you have the correct translation in cms.<your culture code>.resx file? I am not able to reproduce the issue: if the Default content culture is different from english it displays the Unsubscribe in different language. Even the Preview mode it displays me the version according the Default content culture.

I notice you write on 3.x forum - what version do you use? I tested it in the 4.0 version and it is conspicuously OK. I would highly recommend you to upgrade to 4.0 version.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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ppochuyev-on-site - 8/12/2009 7:37:43 AM
RE:Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink
hi Helena,

we're using 3.1 version. We did not yet upgrade because several websites are running under this installation and the process of upgrade is not predictable.

We have the correct Dutch word in CMS.nl-nl.resx and "Unsubscribe" in CMS.resx.

I think this problem is probably solved in 4.0 version.

Best regards,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/12/2009 9:33:37 AM
RE:Newsletter - UnsubscribeLink
Hi Pavlo,

it is really strange, I tested the issue with 3.1 version and it worked correctly, too. Could you please provide us with a temporary live access to your site as Global administrator or send us the export of your site? Please send us the e-mail to support@kentico.com. Thank you.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova