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jasonrellison-msn - 11/11/2008 5:44:05 PM
Bizforms and Server-side Validation...
Has anyone been able to implement server-side validation on a bizform just in case someone has disabled their javascript?


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 11/12/2008 9:19:15 AM
RE:Bizforms and Server-side Validation...

Every validation on the bizForms is done on the server side.

Best Regards,
Boris Pocatko

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fr-clmm - 12/9/2008 9:50:08 AM
RE:Bizforms and Server-side Validation...
That's right, any validation is done server side... but

what about client side validation with Ajax controls?

- ajaxToolkit:TextBoxWatermarkExtender (okay, no validation, but usefull!)
- ajaxToolkit:ValidatorCalloutExtender

and a new server-side validation with:
- asp:RegularExpressionValidator (ajaxToolkit:ValidatorCalloutExtender)

would this features avaiable with verision 4?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/10/2008 6:17:41 AM
RE:Bizforms and Server-side Validation...

Could you please describe us what exactly you want to achieve? The AJAX controls obviously use JavaScript, so if someone disables JavaScript, the controls may not work correctly.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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fr-clmm - 12/10/2008 7:33:36 AM
RE:Bizforms and Server-side Validation...
Okay, thats right... but the most websites use javascript today...

I think it could be interessting to enable the Ajax validation per BizForm or per field... so i could choose if the form should be checked with or without client side validation..

A few days ago i've written a webpart for domain-checking which using a few such controls.. and it's often usefull to give a visitior a little bit more response... this is web2.0 like and it looks more professional i think...

e.g. i implement a form in a website and a user hab to enter a valid email adress and post me a file and enter some additional information in a defined structure and the form uses captcha...

the user posts the form and gets an error that the entered email address is not valid or something like that... thats okay - but it would be faster to get information about invalidation in real time as the users leaves the field...

Specially fields wich regularexpression validation... a visitior would be informed just in time with ajax...

Shure, the ajax controls shouldn't be enabled for each form...

it's only a idea for future versions...

kind regards

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/11/2008 3:01:49 AM
RE:Bizforms and Server-side Validation...
Hi Florian,

Thank you for the clarification. For this you can develop custom form controls ( with validation as you want to. There are several possible options of validation in ASP, e.g. you can use RegularExpressionValidator or RequiredFieldValidator or the validation as you want to in the custom form control.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus