1/13/2009 11:02:06 AM
RE:Creating a video gallery
Hi Andrej,
Your structure is fine and should allow to achieve what you need.
To restrict the files displayed by ImageGallery to .jpegs only, please use WHERE condition, such as "FileName LIKE N'%.jpg'" But please check if your images - documents of CMS.File type, have the extension in the FileName field, because it doesn't necessarilly need to be specified in this field (it could be only in CMS.Attachment table - AttachmentExtension field)
the file flashvar path could be obtained using the NodeAliasPath field. You could use some (slightly ugly) construction like:
<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath").ToString().Substring(0, Eval("NodeAliasPath").ToString().LastIndexOf("/"))+"/video.flv" %>
in your transformation. However, I'm not sure if the JW FLV player will handle the relative paths correctly, if not you'll need to add some prefix path, or use GetFileUrl function (see transformations documentation and context help).
Best regards, Zdenek Cetkovsky, Kentico