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Version 3.x > ASPX templatesManually send BizForm notification email that has notification custom form layout View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
RichardW - 9/6/2010 2:05:19 AM
Manually send BizForm notification email that has notification custom form layout

I'm trying to manually send BizForm notification email and this notification email has custom form layout activated. Could someone help to provide me the custom code to do this?

I have the notification e-mail's data (the from e-mail and subject and the custom form layout) filled in already. I just need to send them to a recipient email address from the custom dropdown list value.

I found this thread:

but that's for Kentico version 4.x. And I assume this code below is not supported in version 3.x:
"CMS.FormControls.BizForm bizform = new CMS.FormControls.BizForm();
// Send confirmation e-mail
bizform.SendConfirmationEmail(sendConfirmEmailFrom, sendConfirmEmailTo, row, bfi);"

Thank you.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 9/21/2010 2:57:18 AM
RE:Manually send BizForm notification email that has notification custom form layout

what version do you use exactly?

I checked the 3.1a version and the send notification method has the same syntax as the higher versions:

SendNotificationEmail(string fromEmail, string toEmail, DataRow row, BizFormInfo bfi, IDataClass content)

If there is a custom layout it uses it. If there is no custom layout it generates the default one.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova