7/1/2008 9:57:02 AM
RE:Navigation in List?
Could you please double check that your properties of CMSTreeView or other controls are properly set? I was trying to do this with several controls and everything was working properly.
Please make sure that your ClassNames property contains all document types you would like to display. If you want to display all document types then it might look like this:
<cms:CMSTreeView ID="CMSTreeView1" runat="server" ClassNames="CMS.Article;CMS.Blog;CMS.BlogMonth;CMS.BlogPost;CMS.CellPhone;Ecommerce.Transformations;CMS.Event;CMS.BookingEvent;CMS.Faq;CMS.File;CMS.Folder;CMS.Job;CMS.KBArticle;CMS.Laptop;CMS.News;CMS.Office;CMS.MenuItem;CMS.Pda;CMS.PressRelease;CMS.Product;CMS.Root;CMS.SimpleArticle"> </cms:CMSTreeView>
Best regards, Vita Janecek