ASPX templates
Version 3.x > ASPX templates > search engine customisation View modes: 
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kbonett-uniteform - 8/28/2008 3:12:56 AM
search engine customisation
I have a search facility working for the whole site.

I need to add a second search in the blog which only searches blog items. How can I achieve this?

Many thanks...

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 9/1/2008 12:21:51 PM
RE:search engine customisation

You can specify the document type(s) that should be displayed in results using ClassNames property of the control you are using for displaying the results. Please find sample code bellow:

<uc1:cmscompletesearchdialog runat="server" ID="cmscompletesearchdialog" ClassNames="CMS.Blog" SearchMode="anyword" SearchScope="searchallcontent" PagingMode="postback" PagerPosition="bottom" ResultsPosition="top" />


<uc1:cmscompletesearchdialog runat="server" ID="cmscompletesearchdialog" ClassNames="CMS.BlogPost" SearchMode="anyword" SearchScope="searchallcontent" PagingMode="postback" PagerPosition="bottom" ResultsPosition="top" />

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek