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Version 3.x > ASPX templates > SQL Server Memory Usage... View modes: 
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jmccombs-petsafe - 11/17/2008 3:56:08 PM
SQL Server Memory Usage...
I'm attempting to migrate all of our content from a php cms into Kentico, and I've noticed something somewhat concerning. The page essentially creates about 380 product pages each for 12 different countries. While it is running, SQL Server 2008 Express uses upwards of 1.5 GB of ram while creating them. I've crashed the server several times doing just this (albeit, it only has Windows XP Pro and 3GB of Ram so it may not be indicative of what a real server load will be). Once they are created, SQL Server will not give up the RAM until I shut it down. Also, if I decide to delete all of these documents using the Portal Engine and not the API, I see similar results. Any ideas on why this would be the case? Also, when I choose to delete a folder with several subfolders and documents, does the Portal Engine actually delete all of the sub-documents and images, or does it simply remove any reference to them?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/18/2008 8:19:45 AM
RE:SQL Server Memory Usage...

This is the known and default behavior of Microsoft SQL Server - if the memory is available, it is used for caching. If only 300MB were available, only 300MB will be used.

If you are deleting a part of the tree and this node has any chlid nodes, these are deleted with the parent node.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus