10/31/2008 6:47:52 AM
CMS Menu configration
hi All
could you please help me in how to do these things??
1- how to change to font to Arial and With 10 point font size in cmsmenu 2- how to create a drop dawn list in BIZform for example if i would like to do the birth day section as drop dawn menu. 3- how to creat a link to facebook at the editble pictures?
best regards,
Kentico Developer
10/31/2008 8:35:34 AM
RE:CMS Menu configration
Hi Wassim,
1. The part of your CSS could look like (example taken from the sample Corporate Site):
.horizontalCMSMenuItem, .horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseOver, .horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseDown, .horizontalCMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem, .horizontalCMSMenuHighlightedMenuItemMouseOver, .horizontalCMSMenuHighlightedMenuItemMouseDown, .horizontalCMSMenuItemMouseUp, .horizontalCMSMenuHighlightedMenuItemMouseUp { font-size: 10px; font-family: "Arial"; padding: 0px 10px; background: url(../App_Themes/CorporateSite/Images/topMenuItemDivider.gif) no-repeat top right; }
.horizontalsubCMSMenuItem { white-space: nowrap; display: block; font-size: 10px; font-family: "Arial"; }
.horizontalsubCMSMenuItem, .horizontalsubCMSMenuItemMouseOver, .horizontalsubCMSMenuItemMouseDown, .horizontalsubCMSMenuHighlightedMenuItem, .horizontalsubCMSMenuHighlightedMenuItemMouseOver, .horizontalsubCMSMenuHighlightedMenuItemMouseDown { padding: 5px 3px; min-width: 81px; white-space: nowrap; display: block; font-size: 10px; font-family: "Arial"; }
2. Please see here: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/creating_bizform_control.htm
You could add a field with Field type: Drop-down List and add options or assign a SQL Query for the selection of options for this Drop-down list.
3. You could add a Content before and after in web part Properties of your editable image.
The Content before could be: <a href="facebook.com ">
and the Content after: </a>
Best regards, Helena Grulichova
11/3/2008 3:13:43 PM
RE:CMS Menu configration
hi helena
thank you for your reply regarding my Qs.and i appreciate your effort but i still have alot of Qs hope you help me in these:
1. in the footer of the main page, i insert the copy right text, the problem is i wont to place it in the center of the page not as appeared now in the right of the page.So, how can in do this to be in center
2. in the cms menu, i have several parts, for example i have a part named "the camp" and i have a drop dawn menu contains several pages such as "intro, Vision, mission etc" the problem is when the mouse becomes over the Word "the camp" , the orange colors appear, i wont to replace it to be red colored!
3 - in the cms menu, i would like to change the background of the menu from black to red or pink or white, so how can i change it???
4 - in the cms menu, i have about 8 section, so the back ground which is black now, appear to be long for a menu contains only 8 sections, so how can i do minimize its length???
5- i Wish to change the color of the "Forum" section from black skin to Blue how can i replace it????
6- can i change the text area for all pages "about of 30 page" to be in red/arial/10PT, for all pages without enterning the 30 pages one by one ???
7- Can i change the title in All pages "about of 30 page" to be in red/arial/12pt without entering each page and change them one by one???
finally i would like to thank ur effort again, thank u
best regards, wassim,
Kentico Consulting
11/5/2008 7:39:14 AM
RE:CMS Menu configration
Please find my answers listed below: 1) You can adjust the placement of the logo or text by adding content before in the properties of the given web part. For more about this topic please see the following links: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/common_web_part_properties_and.htm http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/modifying_web_part_behavior.htm http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/overview7.htm
2) For changing colors and other css settings please see the “CMS Site Manager -> Development -> Css Stylesheets”. The default stylesheet is the “Corporate Site“ stylesheet. For more please see this link: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/css_overview.htm
3) This you can change the same way as in point 2). You can find the css class of the given web part by searching for the phrases from the “properties” tab, “content before” and “css prefix” textbox in the used stylesheet. 4) You can change the size of the menu by modifying the css class of this menu. It is done the same way as in point 2,3.
5) This is also a css property. See the upper points.
6) You can use a page template. You just create a page template and create pages using this page, so you don’t have to design the whole page 30-times. For more about page templates please see the following link: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/creating_a_page_template.htm
7) This is also a css and page template issue. Please check the points 2-6.
FYI: A simple css tutorial can be found at the following address: http://www.w3schools.com/css/ I would recommend you to go through our tutorial of creating pages in Kentico. I think it may help you to improve your skills. The tutorial can be found at our devnet page at http://devnet.kentico.com/Documentation.aspx .
I hope this helps.
Best Regards, Boris Pocatko
11/9/2008 2:42:02 PM
RE:CMS Menu configration
hi thanks for the reply,
actually i have all the tutorial you provided, but actually am looking for a syntax for two main things:
1- the syntax which is required to be written in the content before and the content after cells, for the web part named "poweredbykentico" located at the footer of the main page, So, i Inserted a text, i wont to place it in the center of the page, i tried several syntax from the tutorial you provided but NO way the syntax is wrong...
2- i wont the syntax which is required to be written the content before and the content after for the web parts named" title region" that guarantee me to have the text which is the title of the article or the title of some thing to be written in red and in font size of 12 and the font family to be arial,
regards, wassim,
Kentico Support
11/10/2008 7:24:01 AM
RE:CMS Menu configration
Ad 1) Could you please try following syntax? into Content before: <div style="text-align: center;"> into Content after: </div> You can alternatively try <div align="center"> and </div>, but it is the same.
Ad 2) Unfortunately I am not sure what particular web-part you mean, but i suppose you want to format Editable region title property. For red color, size of 12 and arial font you can insert following string into this property in your web-part properties: <font color="red" size="12" font-family="Arial">Some your title</font>
Best regards, Radek Macalik
11/13/2008 6:25:18 AM
RE:CMS Menu configration
hi, thank for the reply
yesterday, i wrote the syntax for the title region web part as you define above, i define it for about 28 pages,in my project, but the problem is when i wrote the syntax in this form: <font color="red" size="12" font-family="Arial">
the syntax work probably and normally but the problem is in font size which we define it as the size of 12 but unfortunately the font appears larger than the 12 its it appears asif we state is as a size of 18 or 20,
so, what can we should do in this case???
best regards, wassim,
Kentico Consulting
11/13/2008 11:14:08 AM
RE:CMS Menu configration
It seems, your region uses more different css settings, which would override the default text-height. Could you please check the following locations, if there aren't any other style settings regarding the font height?
1) The used style sheet in CMS Site Manager -> Development -> Stylesheets? 2) In the layout in the given page?
FYI: You can use the Firefox browser and the Firebug plugin to inspect css settings on a page to find all styles, which are applied on the given region. For more information see the following link: http://getfirebug.com/
Best Regards, Boris Pocatko
11/13/2008 2:31:19 PM
RE:CMS Menu configration
thanks for the reply!!
please i wont the syntax i should place that enable me to change the background color of the cmsmenu from black to red: i wont the syntax plzz
best regards wassim,
Kentico Consulting
11/13/2008 3:51:57 PM
RE:CMS Menu configration
I am sorry, but we can't style the site for your. Here is a quick tutorial on the basics of css.
I hope this helps.
Best Regards, Boris Pocatko