10/24/2008 7:11:55 AM
CMSRepeter - nesting and sorting?
I have 2 questions regarding CMSRepeater control:
Can the repeater be nested inside another repeater?
I have a product lister page which has the following html & repeater markup:
<div id="wrapper"> <ul>
<cms:CMSRepeater ID="rptListerAll" runat="server" ClassNames="custom.BanhamProduct" TransformationName="custom.BanhamProduct.ListerAll" SelectedItemTransformationName="custom.BanhamProduct.Detail" OrderBy="Price DESC" ShowEditDeleteButtons="false" Path="/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/%" MaxRelativeLevel="1" PagerControl-Enabled="true" PagerControl-PageSize="12" PagerControl-HideOnSinglePage="false" PagerControl-BackText="Prev" PagerControl-NextText="Next" PagerControl-ShowPageNumbers="true" PagerControl-ShowFirstLast="false" PagerControl-PagerPosition="Top" > </cms:CMSRepeater>
</ul> </div>
The "custom.BanhamProduct.ListerAll" transformation basically creates a 4-item nested list:
<li> <ul> <li>item1</li> <li>item2</li> <li>item3</li> <li>item4</li> </ul> </li>
I now need to also repeat the <div><ul> that surround my CMSRepeater so that the rendered page contains multiple rows, each containing 4 items (but obviously not the same 4 !). The wrapper div is needed to allow extra styling and jQuery functionality.
Is this possible with Kentico repeaters?
I tried an asp:repeater with ItemHeader / ItemTemplate, etc but that did not work.
Question 2:
I have a DropDownList which sorts the CMSRepeater by price ascending/descending, but if I move to a different page, the sorting reverts back to the default specified in the repeater function.
Is there a way to re-sort the repeater and to maintain that across paging?