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amit.deserwani-gmail - 2/16/2009 4:29:58 AM
Using SiteMap control
To give you some backgroud - I have created KenticoCMS as a website application on server and my existing .Net website as an application under it. Now I am using the sitemap control in my website so that I can fetch the page links(created in Kentico) from KenticoCMS database. Its working fine and it is fetching the data form database and rendering it on my website page e.g. http:\\localhost is Kentico CMs website as I have created it as default website and http:\\localhost:\Mywebssite(creatd as application under default website) is my website on which I am using the sitemap control.My purpose is to redirect to the page in kentico when click on the link but it tries to render the page on my website e.g. if I am click on link title it renders the page as http:\\localhost:\Mywebssite\title.aspx. But I want it to be rendered as http:\\localhost:\title.aspx. I just want to know is there any property in sitemap control through whcih I can loop through and modify the url or is there any other control or way to do it?. Please help.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 2/25/2009 6:49:50 AM
RE:Using SiteMap control

Well the SiteMap control doesn't count with the scenario that it will be used by one application and will point to another application so it use only relative path.

But you can change this in RenderedHTML property. You can remove manually /Mysite from the URLs of single nodes so they will be pointing to correct destination.

Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec