ASPX templates
Version 3.x > ASPX templates > Image Gallery on aspx template page View modes: 
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pmenchaca-hotmail - 7/22/2009 4:46:27 PM
Image Gallery on aspx template page

I'm trying to setup an image gallery on Kentico 3.1a. I've read the documentation but i'm still not sure on what steps to follow so i can get that image gallery working. (sorry about that, i'm new to Kentico) This is what i thnik i need to do:

1. Create a new template under CMSTemplates and register it on Kentico .
2. Embed the ImageGallery.asx control (from CMSWebParts/Viewers folder).

Then i think i need to configure the control to get the images from somewhere but i'm stuck. Also How/where can i upload images so this control would display them ??

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 8/19/2009 3:23:25 AM
RE:Image Gallery on aspx template page

Could you please try to put this code into your ASPX page?

<uc1:ImageGallery runat="server" ID="ImageGallery" DetailTransformation="CMS.File.imagegallery_detail600"
ThumbnailTransformation="CMS.File.imagegallery_thumbnails180" RowsPerPage="2" Columns="3" PagingMode="querystring" />

Please check that used transformations exists on your site (Site Manager -> Development -> Document types -> edit CMS.File -> Transformations tab).

You can also set Path property where your images are saved (e.g. Path = "/Images/%") - this mean all images under /Images folder.
Inside this folder (or a folder defined in Path property) you can add new images in CMSDesk, or using API.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik