We want to allow the client to easily edit their contact info that shows in the header and footer of their site. But those are included w/ the following:
<%@ Register Src="~/CMSTemplates/CustomASPX/Header.ascx" TagPrefix="Custom" TagName="Header" %>
<Custom:Header ID="Header1" runat="server" />
We do this so they can be re-used for pages that use ASPX templates too. All that works fine.
<cc1:CMSEditableRegion ID="BusinessDays" runat="server" RegionTitle="Business Days" RegionType="TextBox" />
When we add an EditableRegion to the Header.ascx (snippet above), it correctly shows a text box in the CMS Desk to the user on the root node master page, and correctly only read-only mode on the regular sub-pages. However, whenever the user enters any text into that text box and clicks Save, it says "Changes saved" but the text box comes back empty. So, it's not saving the data for that editable region with the page.
Is this even possible with Kentico 3.1a? If so, what am I doing wrong?