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Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > Adding new culture in Kentico that is not in the .NET culture list View modes: 
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Polypod-Chad - 1/8/2009 9:54:29 AM
Adding new culture in Kentico that is not in the .NET culture list
I found that if I wanted to add a culture that is not listed in the default .NET culture list, the CMS would not allow it and give me a ‘Can't create new culture. The culture code is not valid.’ error. In this case it was en-HK (English Hong Kong).

Any unused culture could be used but for consistencies sake it's quite simple to register a new custom culture which is persisted to the machine (using admin priviledges). MSDN has a code sample here (, it's only a few lines of code if you're using an exisiting culture (I used en-US and changed the region to HK).

The only problem i found is you need to register the custom culture on all the webservers, but i think it's only a minor stumbling block, but would be ideal if this was all in the CMS. I haven't found any other issues with doing this but if anyone has a better solution please let me know.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/9/2009 8:47:01 AM
RE:Adding new culture in Kentico that is not in the .NET culture list

Thank you for your useful post. You can add the functionality which you have find on MSDN. But adding it in general to the CMS will have pretty big performance impact. In this case the system would need always to check the culture if it exists and so on.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Tim_F - 2/27/2012 8:38:49 AM
RE:Adding new culture in Kentico that is not in the .NET culture list
Are there any best practices on adding a new culture on Azure?
My particular problem is that I need a culture for India, but the page is in English, not Hindi, Tamil, etc.
Thank you in advance.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/27/2012 8:41:42 AM
RE:Adding new culture in Kentico that is not in the .NET culture list

This would be better to ask Azure support or search on their forums. This has not much to do with Kentico itself. I am sorry but I can't help you with this.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus