Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > Local Host Error View modes: 
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Member - 9/27/2008 4:11:00 AM
Local Host Error

I m trying to install Kentico on my laptop which has Vista Home Premium, i mm getting this error, can somebody help me in this.

Server Error in '/KenticoCMS' Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Access to the temp directory is denied. Identity 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' under which XmlSerializer is running does not have sufficient permission to access the temp directory. CodeDom will use the user account the process is using to do the compilation, so if the user doesnt have access to system temp directory, you will not be able to compile. Use Path.GetTempPath() API to find out the temp directory location.

Source Error:

[No relevant source lines]

Source File: /KenticoCMS/App_WebReferences/WS/ Line: 1

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.1434; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.1434

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Member - 9/27/2008 4:19:41 AM
RE:Local Host Error
I have even added the NETWORK SERVICE in the users list., but still it is giving the same error

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/29/2008 2:19:10 AM
RE:Local Host Error
Are you running it as an administrator? It seems that the application process has not sufficient permissions. Could you please check it?

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jack - 2/16/2011 2:19:18 PM
RE:Local Host Error
Access to the temp directory is denied. Identity 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'.

I have made network service with full control, yet i am still getting the same error. Can someone give me a hand on this? is there a tutorial for this issue. thanks.