Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > 404 on design tab View modes: 
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smaxwell-specialtysystems - 1/16/2009 3:52:06 PM
404 on design tab
I just imported a site to my newly set up environment and now all my pages are showing a 404 message in the design tab. The site looks fine in the development server but not so much in the production. All my pages are not showing up except for the default page. Anyone have an idea what I can do?

So far I have exported the site multiple times and imported multiple times with no effect. Only the page and design tabs are showing 404's.

Thanks for any help.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/20/2009 3:52:48 AM
RE:404 on design tab

Are you using any special configuration, for example extension-less URLs?

Could you please check the Event log in Site Manager -> Administration if there is logged something related to this?
Also, what is the URL request for the frame on Design tab (when you click right on the frame and display the frame properties)?

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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smaxwell-specialtysystems - 1/20/2009 8:01:48 AM
RE:404 on design tab
I am not using any special configuration to my knowledge.

The properties of the design tab are:
Properties for the frame are:

The only thing I see in the logs are user authentications.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/22/2009 4:55:19 AM
RE:404 on design tab

Could you please copy here the 404 message you get?

In the mean time, could you please check your IIS configuration:

Click right on your web site in IIS console and select Properties -> Home directory tab -> Configuration button -> find the aspx extension -> select it and click to Edit -> and the box "Check if the file exists" should be set to false (not ticked)

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus