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Member - 2/1/2009 10:34:15 PM
My site is down - license limitations

My site is giving the following error message "The page can not be displayed due to license limitations"

The error occured when i was publishing a version of the site from development to production. I exported from my dev machine and imported onto the production machine.

The event log gives the following message - LicenseLimit - SiteMembers.

I have not broken the limit - in fact i do not have any registered users apart from a couple of admin accounts i have created.

Can anyone advise ? my site is currently unavailable

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Member - 2/2/2009 3:44:04 AM
RE:My site is down - license limitations
fixed it thanks to Juraq at kentico support.

When i did the import - some user permissions were overwritten meaning that multiple users set up as editors for the same site - a limit if the free licence.

i reduced the number of cmseditors to 1 and the error disappeared.