Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > View Mode default? View modes: 
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sean.kinley-techfringe - 1/21/2009 8:50:04 AM
View Mode default?
In the forums, is it possible to set the default view mode to "Flat - newest to oldest" instead of "Threaded"? If so, how is it done? (I started checking through the forum .ascx files, etc., but then thought it might be easier to ask here.)

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sean.kinley-techfringe - 1/26/2009 10:10:21 AM
RE:View Mode default?
Is anoyone able to help with this one? My gut says that there has to be a straight forward way to do this.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 1/27/2009 8:21:48 AM
RE:View Mode default?
Hi Sean,

Unfortuantely, there is no easy way how to set this in version 3.x, but it will be possible to specify it directly in forum group web part's properties in version 4.0, so I would recommend waiting for final release of version 4.0 and then upgrade to it.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek