Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Drop Down View modes: 
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vikash.kumar-netsolutionsindia - 11/25/2011 12:00:35 AM
Drop Down
I have to bind the dropdown list from kentico and display in the front end. means bind drop down list. But data coming from web services.
Web services fetch into kentico and insert data into database.
also bind the drop down list in kentico.
Please guide me i am new in kentco development.

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kentico_michal - 11/25/2011 1:33:11 AM
RE:Drop Down

If you want to add this drop-down list on the Form tab of documents, you will need to develop a custom form control that would contain a drop-down list as it is described in this section of Developer's guide and use it as a Field type of the document's field: Developing form controls (Kentico CMS 3.0).

As Kentico CMS is a standard .NET application, you can use .NET API for web services to get the data from your web service and bind the drop-down list.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
vikash.kumar-netsolutionsindia - 11/25/2011 4:59:44 AM
RE:Drop Down
Sorry did not understand. I understand make user control. but Drop down list items bind from kentico display in front end. Data is coming from web services this webs services enter into kentco. i have no database information. only web services method. I have only method. or this web services get into kebtico and after this bind the drop down list from kentco on this web services kentico user handle the dropdown list item from kentco. insert data in web serives using InsertLocation method.
Please guide me proper how handle it.
All drop down items coming from kentico in kentico how will come from web services.

Vikash Rana

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kentico_michal - 11/25/2011 5:53:24 AM
RE:Drop Down

Sorry, I am a little confused from your description so could you please describe this request in more detail?

As I wrote in the previous post, if you want to display the drop-down list on the Form tab in the CMS Desk and bind this drop-down list with the data returned from the web service, you will need to create a new form control with the drop-down list as it is demonstrated in the documentation. Then, you can use standard .NET API to execute your web service and bind the drop-down list with the retrieved data in the code of the form control.

If this is not what you want, could you please let me know where would you like to display this drop-down list?

Do you want to bind it with the data returned from a web service?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Michal Legen