Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > SEO URL rewriting View modes: 
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Terner - 9/15/2008 8:55:14 AM
SEO URL rewriting
Hi, I am using Kentico 3.1a. Is it possible to change URLs of language selection links from:




аnd display all other pages automatically with this URL standard?

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Terner - 9/16/2008 1:19:53 AM
RE:SEO URL rewriting
This feature is very important. Becouse it will give Kentico CMS big SEO improovement by avoiding of content duplication (in case of "?lang=" quewery). And it will make easy work of users becouse they will don't need to change document alias (for trying to provide to search engines unique url for each document of each language).

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Terner - 9/16/2008 1:25:31 AM
RE:SEO URL rewriting_update
This feature is very important. Because it will give Kentico CMS big SEO improvement by avoiding of content duplication (in case of "?lang=" request) for web-spider of search engine. And it will make easy work of users because they will don't need to change document alias (for trying to provide to search engines unique URL for each document of each language).

Absence of this feature is stoping me to use CMS Kentico in my multilanguage commercial project.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/16/2008 3:45:06 AM
RE:SEO URL rewriting_update
Thank you for your suggestion. We really appreciate it.

We will try to add this feature to some of the next version. Unfortunately there is no time to add it to the very next release.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ralph - 9/23/2008 9:22:44 AM
RE:SEO URL rewriting_update
Yes, I already requested the same feature and indeed it seems to be crucial for SEO.

In one site I solved the issue by using two domain names, .ca and .com for the French and the English site.

But it still happens sometimes that a cookie gets set when you are working in the cmsdesk and then the .com site is displayed in English.

To make this solution work 100%, it would require that the preferred site language (culture) overwrites the cookie settings of a user.
