11/4/2008 1:38:02 PM
CMSCalendar SelectedDate or TodaysDate
Hello, I have cloned the Event Calendar webpart and I am modifying. I am adding to it a cms.repeater underneath the calendar control that lists the events during the displayed month:
DateTime BeginDt = new DateTime(this.calItems.TodaysDate.Year,this.calItems.TodaysDate.Month,1 );
DateTime EndDt = BeginDt.AddMonths(1);
this.repEvtList.WhereCondition = "EventDate between '"+ BeginDt.Date.ToString() +"' and '"+ EndDt.Date.ToString() +"'";
This works on initial Page Load, but not on Postback when clicking the Prev or Next links on the Calendar. Is there a way to get what date the CMSCalendar is currently displaying?