Portal Engine
Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Inline poll not loading View modes: 
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Linus - 5/13/2008 7:39:19 AM
Inline poll not loading
Tried to add a poll using the Inline control in the WYSIWYG-editor, but it never loads. All I get is the text itself, %%control:PollControl?TestPoll%%, when I switch to "Preview" or "Live Site".

What am I missing? Does something need to be added to that field in order to load the poll?

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kentico_vitaja - 7/14/2008 6:09:46 AM
RE:Inline poll not loading

This seems to be a very strange issue. I would like to ask you to send us details on support@kentico.com.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek

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linus.bostrom-universum - 9/1/2008 3:04:44 PM
RE:Inline poll not loading
Think I know why it didn't work: Tried to add it in a html form area, not an editable region.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 9/2/2008 1:51:41 AM
RE:Inline poll not loading

Thank you for the update.

Best Regards,
Boris Pocatko

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elias.anthan-metc.state.mn - 6/13/2013 12:48:57 PM
RE:Inline poll not loading
We are having a similar issue, but different in the respect that we don't have the poll widget available for use/insertion. When attempting to insert into an editable region, error is displayed that widget tfailed to load. Under Development -> Widgets -> Forms & Surveys, only On-line Form widget is available. The Poll widget is non-existent.

We are on version 7.0.13.

Thanks for any guidance

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 6/22/2013 12:31:48 AM
RE:Inline poll not loading

Could you please send us more detailed information? Would it be possible to take a screenshot of the error or even better you could send us the credentials for your site to support@kentico.com so we can investigate the issue.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek