Portal Engine
Version 2.x > Portal Engine > default page template for new document type View modes: 
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mikevoss - 4/17/2007 2:03:54 PM
default page template for new document type

Is it possible to set a default page template to be used when creating a new document type?

Currently, I can set the option "Show template selection" to true, so the user has to select a template every time, but I want to be able to define what template is used by default.

I need this to display a section in a project that lists artists, their bios and relevant images.

Artists is a Page (menu item), under which artistxyz would be a document of a new type "artist", under which then again image1, image2 and image 3 are documents of a new type galleryImage" (they are actually pages with layout, more than just an image file) ".

Been digging through the documentation for over a day now, but no luck. Thanks for any pointers.


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mike@xcomms.ie - 4/26/2007 11:30:38 AM
RE:default page template for new document type
Techsupport helped me with this, so here is their (working) answer for anyone wondering about the same:

The current version does not support default page template for particular document type. However you could use another solution:

You need to add a repeater webpart to the Artists page that will list all artits.
You will set the Selected item transformation value of this webpart so that it uses a transformation that displays artist details.
It is similar to the News page in the sample Corporate Website.