Portal Engine
Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Referencing images in app_themes on subpages View modes: 
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jonathanchauncey@fdle.state.fl.us - 12/12/2007 5:18:11 PM
Referencing images in app_themes on subpages
If you have a template that uses images out of the app_themes directory how do you allow it to reference these images from nested subpages?


Defining the paths as absolute is definitely not something I would like to do. Is there a way to grab resources from the app_themes folder similar to the CSS method??

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Mufasa - 1/24/2008 12:42:43 AM
RE:Referencing images in app_themes on subpages
I just use the ASPX method of getting a full path with dynamic context and path control with ~/App_Theme/...

That only works if it is in code that gets processed either directly by controls that support it, like ASP:Hyperlink NavigateUrl="~/..." or in any code that is processed by the Kentico Resolve filter. (See the Developer's Guide -> Page processing and URLs -> Output Filters page for more info.)

For example, that won't work in external JS files, but it will in portal pages.