Portal Engine
Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Store Files In File System vs Database View modes: 
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sedonatek - 5/9/2007 6:36:07 PM
Store Files In File System vs Database
We are checking the "Store Files In File System" checkbox in the Site Manager --> Settings --> Files area and unchecking the "Store Files In Database" checkbox - But the files are still storing in the Database - is this a bug?

What are the performance issues with storing files in the database vs. the filesystem?

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Kentico Product Management
Kentico Product Management
kentico_karolj - 5/11/2007 2:23:21 PM
RE:Store Files In File System vs Database

It is not a bug in Kentico CMS. When you look at the and of row in CMS_Attachment table, there is column that holds binary data information. All objects stored in file system have also record in data base, but you can see NULL value in column where binary data are saved so only needed informations is keeping inside database.

Best Regards,

Karol Jarkovsky

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skovalev1-yandex - 11/10/2008 6:13:23 AM
RE:Store Files In File System vs Database
To what what switch check "Store Files In File System" is installed is linked, and files are stored in table CMS_AttachmentHistory?!

Has registered physical path in the field "Files folder", but files there are not saved. How it correctly to customise?!

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 11/10/2008 7:01:49 AM
RE:Store Files In File System vs Database

In the post above is explained why you can see the records of the files also in CMS_Attachment table.

Here you can find more information about the file storage - http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/how_files_are_stored.htm.

If you have any troubles, could you please give us more details? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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neil-fourmangos - 4/28/2009 5:40:55 PM
RE:Store Files In File System vs Database

I think I have the same problem.

I want to upload a file "test.pdf" under the content tree and have that file stored in the file structure.

On settings-files - I have
store files in database: (unchecked)
store files in file system: (checked)
generate thumbnails: (checked)
files folder: newstreampdf
redirect files to disk: (unchecked)
upload extensions: pdf
check if files published: (checked)
check file permissions: (checked)
file import folder: newstreampdf

What I'm getting are the files being uploaded as pdf's but they are keeping the GUID and they are now nested into another sub folder underneath newstreampdf so I can't call them natively.

for instance if I upload a file called test.pdf using the above example when I go to www.newstream.com/newstreampdf/test.pdf - it fails. If I go to www.newstream.com/newstreampdf/2e/2e9b9323-5115-4ada-a437-83602816575c.pdf it works.

Problem though is that I would never know of that guid number.

Here's why I'm barking up this tree - I'm trying to get pdf's to open up in their own window as pdf's and not as database objects.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/29/2009 7:58:48 AM
RE:Store Files In File System vs Database

The GUID is used for the direct access to the file on disk. If you want to access the file using some friendly URL, could you please try to access it with ".aspx" extension, since I assume that the PDF document was uploaded as a CMS.File document. Or, you can also set (in v4.0) custom extenstions - http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/configuration_of_custom_url_extensions.htm.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus