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jaymcc - 8/14/2006 1:43:26 AM
Just a list...

I have a requirement for a website dealing with horoscopes, so in a number of areas around the site (and in the content management area) i have a need to present a list of the 12 horoscope signs.

I guess the fact that they are horoscopes is besides the point, what I want to do though is manage the list only once. Is there a 'meta information' section somewhere that could let me store this information once, with a specific sort order, so that I can then use it throughout the rest of the site.

In the last CMS we used, I ended up having to put this information all over the site, it was just a mess.

Any help appreciated.


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admin - 8/14/2006 8:34:09 PM
Re: Just a list...
Hi Jay,

I'm not sure about your site structure, but you could possibly use a structure like this:

/category 1
/article 1
/article 2
/category 2
/article 1
/article 2

Then, you could use the /signs section as a listing for displaying category sub-navigation. Every article would have some sign assigned and you would be able to display only articles related to a particular sign.

Please let me know if you need any additional details.

Best Regards,