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marie - 9/8/2006 11:05:03 PM
Workflow Check-In Check-Out error
When checking out a document for editing, sometimes it takes a while to add all of the content for that page. If it takes too long (1/2 hour) and I hit save the document I am getting an error:

TreeProvider.ContentVersioning.CheckOut: No user specified

Is there a session time out set for checking out a document somewhere? Is there a setting in the web config file that I can change so that it doesn't time out on me?


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admin - 9/11/2006 9:30:30 AM
Re: Workflow Check-In Check-Out error
Hi Nicole,

thank you for your message. The check out shouldn't take more than a few seconds. If it takes longer, there may a problem with your database.

Could you please describe the exact steps you take before you get to this situation?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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marie - 9/11/2006 3:44:32 PM
Re: Workflow Check-In Check-Out error
It's when I check out the document for editing; and I want to make changes to the page but they take awhile for me to type in all of the changes. Sometimes I enter all of the changes and when I hit the save and check in link it gives me an error.

Is there a time limit of how long you can have a document checked out? How do I change that?


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admin - 9/12/2006 4:17:17 PM
Re: Workflow Check-In Check-Out error
Thank you for the details. Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce this issue. You can try to change the timeout value in the web.config to some higher value, such as 60 (minutes):

<sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes" cookieless="false" timeout="20" />

Best Regards,

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marie - 9/12/2006 7:09:02 PM
Re: Workflow Check-In Check-Out error
Thank you very much! It worked.