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Version 1.x > Technical support > CMSListMenu View modes: 
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czapata - 4/11/2006 11:34:02 PM
I'm using a CMSListMenu control as the MainMenu in my application and I set the SelectNodesMaxRelativeLevel property to 2.

I need to keep the fist level highlighted when I display the second level and I need to keep the 1st and 2nd levels highlighted when the 2nd level node is displayed. Is there a property I need to set? How can I do this?


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admin - 4/12/2006 6:05:27 PM
Re: CMSListMenu

Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, this option is currently not supported. We will consider it for some of the next versions.

Best Regards,

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czapata - 4/17/2006 11:52:55 PM
Re: CMSListMenu
What would be the best way to implement this functionality? With a third party control? Inheriting from your control? Can you recommend a work-around? This functionality is a must for my project.


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admin - 4/18/2006 1:36:25 PM
Re: CMSListMenu
I have sent you a direct e-mail with a temporary solution for this issue.

Best Regards,

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mizhael - 9/2/2006 7:09:54 PM
Re: CMSListMenu
Hi Admin,

I need this solution as well. Please send to me.

For example,


When I selected Services on Top Main Nav,
The TreeMenu on left Nav, should only show ProductA and ProductB only

When I selected ProductA on left Nav,
The TreeMenu on left Nav, should hightlight ProductA as bold Red color
and display Level3_ProductA_1 & Level3_ProductA_2 as subitem
and ProductB is hidden

When I selected Level3_ProductA_1 on left Nav,
The TreeMenu on left Nav, should remain hightlight ProductA as bold Red color
and highlight Level3_ProductA_1 as bold Grey color
and display Level3_ProductA_2 as subitem

When I selected Level3_ProductA_2 on left Nav,
The TreeMenu on left Nav, should remain hightlight ProductA as bold Red color
and display Level3_ProductA_1 as subitem
and remain highlight Level3_ProductA_2 as bold Grey color
and display Level4_ProductA_2 as sub-subitem

When I selected Level4_ProductA_2 on left Nav,
The TreeMenu on left Nav, should remain hightlight ProductA as bold Red color
and display Level3_ProductA_1 as subitem
and remain highlight Level3_ProductA_2 as bold Grey color
and display Level4_ProductA_2 as as bold Blue color

How do I get this result?

And I had try on the Webproject.Functions.GetCurrentNode().GetValue("NodeLevel"), it always said "GetCurrentNode() is not a member of Webproject.Functions".

How do I get to know what is the NodeLevel of selected MenuItem?

Please advise.

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carly - 9/19/2006 5:02:01 AM
Re: CMSListMenu
I don't suppose this has been fixed? Or if not, that I could get a copy of this solution you emailed?

I have the same issue and would very much like to know of a solution.

Thanks :)

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admin - 9/20/2006 7:44:01 AM
Re: CMSListMenu
Could you please send me a message to

Thank you.

Best Regards,