9/22/2006 7:11:05 AM
bizform error
I have created a simple bizform, as instructed in the guide, which sends an email. After i have created and tested it using the bizform test form, i recieve the email, with no problems. However when i insert the bizform control into the a page and press the submit button on the website it gives me an error: which is as follows: -
An error occurred when saving data: Kentico.CMS.DataEngine.GeneralConnection.RunQueryObject: Query: INSERT INTO [contactus] ( [YourName] ) VALUES ( @YourName); SELECT @@identity AS [ItemID] caused exception: Kentico.CMS.DataProviderSQL.ExecuteQuery: Query: INSERT INTO [contactus] ( [YourName] ) VALUES ( @YourName); SELECT @@identity AS [ItemID] : caused exception: Invalid object name 'contactus'.
This is a bit strange as it works fine in the test form but as soon as you insert it and actually use it on the website, it throws an error.