12/16/2006 5:43:32 AM
Newsletter - "personalize"
Is it possible to personalize newsletters to display the recipient's name?
Looking at the *.htm files in ../Metadata/MailTemplates I can see that datafields have been inserted into the emails as:
I can't find a htm file that generates a distributed newsletter so I am just taking a guess that the same tag is used. But when I insert {%subscriberfirstname%} into the newsletter's html, when it arrives it just displays this as text rather than generating the subscriber's firstname.
Have also tried including an asp label tag into the source html as:
<asp:label id="lblFirstname" runat="server" text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.SubscriberFirstName") %>'></asp:label>
...but this just leaves a space where the name should be.
Thanks, Sharon.