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arwakatungu - 12/6/2006 6:23:28 PM
Blank transformation pages (Kentico 1.9 )
I am creating a custom product catalog using Kentico 1.9. The product listing come out okay but when I click a link on the listing to select a single product the page comes BLANK.

Below is the code for m datalist

<cc1:CMSDataList ID="CMSDataList1" runat="server" SelectedItemTransformationName="cms.Tariffs.default" SelectNodesClassName="cms.Tariffs" TransformationName="cms.Tariffs.preview"

It looks okay and when I do a trace debug it does pick up the default.ascx
below is a sample of the code

TariffsID: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.TariffsID") %><br/>
Tariff Category: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.TariffCategory") %><br/>
Tariff Plan: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.TarrifName") %><br/>
Moving to tariff: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.TariffMove") %><br/>
Tariff Description: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.TariffDescription") %><br/>

What am I doing wrong. Have I left out something? Do I have to explicitly bind the datalist using code.


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arwakatungu - 12/7/2006 7:24:40 AM
Re: Blank transformation pages (Kentico 1.9 )
Decided to use the CMSRepeater and the individual listings render okay. Just cannot figure out why the datalist will not do that.

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admin - 12/7/2006 9:01:52 AM
Re: Blank transformation pages (Kentico 1.9 )
Could you please post here your CMSRepater code? It seems to be caused by some different settings.

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arwakatungu - 12/8/2006 6:25:10 AM
Re: Blank transformation pages (Kentico 1.9 )
Here is the repeater code

<cc1:CMSRepeater ID="CMSRepeater4" runat="server" SelectedItemTransformationName="cms.tariffs.default"

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admin - 12/8/2006 12:57:01 PM
Re: Blank transformation pages (Kentico 1.9 )
Well, the settings seem to be same, so I'm not sure why the CMSDataList doesn't work. Could you please check your code behind and make sure you do not set any additional properties of the CMSDataList control in the code-behind?

Also, could you please try to use the CMSDataList to display any other document type, such as news in some other site section?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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forrester - 12/8/2006 3:02:41 PM
Re: Blank transformation pages (Kentico 1.9 )

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't the controls case sensitive? I noticed that the DataList has "cms.Tariffs" and the Repeater control has "cms.tariffs".


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admin - 12/9/2006 2:33:30 PM
Re: Blank transformation pages (Kentico 1.9 )
Well, I'm not sure why the CMSDataList doesnt' work. It's not necessary to call DataBind method explicitely.

Could you please send us the ASPX page template with code-behind (in a zip file) to Also, could you please write us what URL you have in your browser when you view the list view and the detail view?

Thank you.

Best Regards,